Tuesday 15 May 2012

Click your way to a new Summer Body!

We all know working out is hard! and dieting is even harder! But I have found the apps that give you the info, support and motivation to keep at it and get that summer body that we are striving for!
The first one is help with dieting, It's called NutraCheck and is free to download! Basically what this little app does is keep a food diary for you. From your weight, height, amount of activity and your weight loss aim It tells you how many calories you need to eat a day, how much fat and how many calories you need to burn in order to stick to your target! It's Brilliant! but the best part is the bar code scanner! This scans the bar code of your food so you don't have to type in all the calories and fat etc which is long and boring and demotivates you! It also tells you whether you are gaining any of your five a day from your food ! Exercise wise it tells you what type of exercises burn the most calories and allows you to see how many calories you've burnt from daily routines such as cleaning, walking to work or running up the stairs. It's great and I've kept at it for over a week now! Hopefully I will for the whole summer and this will help me get the summer body I desperately want!

You can sign up and enter your details online today at http://nutracheck.co.uk/. And download the app off Itunes Appstore!

The next couple of apps I recommend are also free! they are the Butt workouts, the Ab workouts and the Arm workouts. These are basically what they say in the title. The great thing about these is you choose the level of intensity and they give you timed sets with a little man showing you how you do each movement. This was great for me because to be perfectly honest all I knew how to do was the normal sit ups but with the diversity of the sets on this app its motivated me and made me use muscles I never knew I had! So I would definitely recommend these to anyone looking to tone up this summer! I do love my handy little apps!

Jade X

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